Saturday 1 October 2016

And I think to myself, what Wonderful Words.

Words.  Words.  Words.
Great, gorgeous, glorious, glamorous words.
Is not all of life wrapped up so lovingly with them?

I just LOVE words.  The way they roll around inside my mouth with the ability to inspire laughter, love, tears, rage, jealousy, comfort, grace, hope.

Think of some words that you love so much.
Favourite verses hanging on a wall somewhere inside your house.  Words become decor.  I have some of my favourite verses hanging in my living room; a constant reminder of hope, strength and love depicted in words.

Words made famous in their historical or literary settings......"I have a dream.....", "...frankly my dear, I don't give a ....", "If you prick us, do we not bleed....", "One small step for man, one giant step for mankind...", "A rose by any other name..."
Word become song.  "We don't need no education...", "Figaro, figaro, figaro....", "Praise God from whom all blessings flow....", "'Like a bridge over troubled waters....", "Cuz nothing compares to you....."  Are you singing along?  I am, baby.  I am.  I'm a thinkin' I fell hard for a Wordsmith who went all out and put his Words to Music.  Mmm mm.  What a man!

Words that twist and grow and mature with time and technological changes.  Googling and hashtagging being some of these newbie words that come to mind.

Words that situate you in time.  Like when "groovy" was no longer "cool" and "sick" began to mean something good that was groovy or cool depending on what decade you were born in.  Today's vocabulary norm will be yesterday's marker of time.

Words that reveal your geography.  Like when you go to throw something away and maybe you throw the debris into the "bin" and everyone laughs at you because obviously you meant the "garbage can".  Or when you went to the "cinema to catch a flick"  when you most certainly meant "going to the theatre to watch a movie."  Pffft.  Next you will be wearing your wellies and trousers and pushing babies around in prams.

Words placing you in culture or sub-culture.  You might want to spend some valuable time with your friends and before you know it, you are "hangin' in the hood with your peeps."  I'm down with the gangsta lingo because I am certain that a white, middle-aged homeschooling mother is pretty close to being Gangsta.  Pretty sure, yo!

Aren't words so lovely?  And luscious.  Like you just want to eat them all up but that would be weird because chewing on books isn't really condoned or cool no matter where or when you live.

Sometimes I wonder if I homeschool so that I can be present time and again for that transformational and magical time when "A" becomes more than just a symbol etched in ink on paper and, instead, a key to unlocking the power to the universe.
"This is an 'A', my sweet little Monkey-Head.  It stands for "adorable", "awesome" and "amazing".  Today, the letter 'A'; tomorrow we take on the world!"

Bollocks, you say?

John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."  Beautiful!  I once heard a sermon where the Pastor talked about how God reveals himself through Words and that was a riveting moment for me on so many levels.  Great, glorious God revealed through literary means.  Now, that is REALLY speaking my language.  Our almighty, powerful, gracious, loving God wanted to reveal himself to his people.  So He did so.....using words.

Wrapped up.  Revealed.  Recognized.

By our words we shall be known.

Something to think about.
Or ponder.
Or ruminate over.
Whatev, dudes.  This blog be done.
Cuz it ain't over till it's over.


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