Thursday 28 October 2021

The Art of Convalescing Well: ASK FOR HELP!

Why is it so incredibly hard to ask for help?

Is it pride?
Is it that deep-rooted sense of separation and individuation developed in toddlerhood; the sense that insists, "I can do it myself!?"
Is it shame? We don't want anyone to see our mess.
Is it guilt? We don't want to be anyone's burden.
Is it fear of being vulnerable, truly vulnerable around others?
We all want to be viewed as someone whose got their stuff together, who's capable and strong, who's independent and able-bodied.
But here's the thing: every single one of us experiences moments of inability, suffering, and hardship in our life. Probably many times over.
And these are moments when we NEED and MUST ask for help.
God has created us for community, after all. He created us to be in relationship with and helpmates for each other.
It's God's way of wrapping his loving arms around us in our times of need....the physical, tangible presence of God in the form of family, friends, neighbors, small group members, co-workers gathering around to help.
But we must ask.
People are not mind-readers.
Did you know that it takes greater courage and strength to ask for help that it does to give it?
When you ask for help, you admit you cannot do this on your own and your vulnerability takes Great Courage and Strength.
Be clear of your needs: I need help with this and this.
Be willing to ask more than just the "expected" people; so often God brings help from unexpected places.
Be thankful and gracious.
In asking for help, you will learn how it feels to be this needy person. You will experience this side of life and become more aware of how to better help others...someday when you are well again.
Ask for help.
We were never meant to convalesce alone.

"All praise to the God and Father....He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so we can be there for that person just as God was there for us." 2 Corinthians 1: 3-5 MSG

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