Tuesday 19 April 2016

All the Life We Can Live

About a year ago, I was asked to join a book club.
This club consists of a number of ladies from my church.  One of us picks a book, we all read it and then meet together to discuss it.  This is great fun!  I am challenged to read books that I have not heard of or to explore a genre that I have ventured into before.  I love this!   On our Book Club Nights, there is always food and sometimes wine.  It is a deliciously wonderful time.  Now you all want to join too, don't you?

The book we just finished reading and discussing between slurps of wine and the munching of food is called "All the Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr.  This was a great read and it takes place during World War II.  I don't want to give too much away but I really want to share a conversation that takes place between some of the main characters in the story:

Here it is:

"He says, 'You are very brave.'
She lowers the bucket.  'What is your name?'
He tells her.  She says, 'When I lost my sight, people said I was brave.  When my father left, people said I was brave.  But it is not bravery; I have no choice.  I wake up and live my life.  Don't you do the same?'"

This conversation has haunted me for days.  And days.  But I could not look this part of the story up again because I had returned my borrowed copy to Mindy.  My physiotherapist.  And friend.  And fellow Book-Club-Goer.

I kept thinking, I have to borrow that book again.  I want to reread this conversation and mull it over.

Today, as I bolted to my radiation appointment......Radiation Rush #16.....I noticed a familiar book lying at the VERY TOP OF THE PILE OF DONATED BOOKS.  You know, those donated books that I was just talking about yesterday....the ones that always distract me as I rush past to my appointments.
Right there.
On the top of the pile.
"All the Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr.

"I was just thinking about you," I murmured to the book as I picked it up and sniffed it.  (My name is Brigette and I sniff books.  Doesn't everyone??)
I began paging through it and quickly found that haunting conversation.

Go on.....reread it....

"He says, 'You are very brave.'
She lowers the bucket.  'What is your name?'
He tells her.  She says, 'When I lost my sight, people said I was brave.  When my father left, people said I was brave.  But it is not bravery; I have no choice.  I wake up and live my life.  Don't you do the same?'"

Beautiful isn't it?
Here's why it has haunted me.
Since I was diagnosed with cancer, I have had SO MANY people tell me that I am brave or amazing or strong.

"I could NOT do what you are doing, Brigette!" one friend proclaimed to me one day and I didn't really know what to say.

I did not feel brave.
Or amazing.
Or strong at all.
Only when I prayed did I feel fortified and my prayers were often of the tear-streaming-down-my-face variety.
So here is my (very late) response...

"When I was diagnosed with cancer, people said I was brave/ strong/ amazing.  But it is not bravery/ strength/ amazingness; I have no choice.  I wake up and live my life.  Don't you do the same?"

I think ending there would be quite powerful and literary, but my fingers are still typing...

"Halt, fingers!" say I, but they will not listen.  I may have to bite them or snatch them away from the keyboard.  This may get messy...

Here is why my fingers insist on typing beyond that rephrased quote.  I have two things I would like to add:

1.  Last August, I was not given a choice.
God certainly did not say to me, "Brigette.  Would you like to face cancer for the next year or a Caribbean Cruise?"
Because I can most confidently ASSURE you that I would have gone for the Cruise.
Not cancer.
Yet, I have learned so much in the past year.
And I have LOVED writing to you.
Take that pain and turn it into your passion, someone said to me.
Take that rage.  Put it on the page.  Take the page to the stage and blow the roof off the place, the-band-Script sings out.

My family has grown closer too.  You know my one son who had outgrown kisses?  Tonight I threatened him:  "I'm gonna kiss and lick you, Dons!" I said and lurched towards him, tongue lolling.
"Just kisses!" he smirked back and leaned his cheek toward me.
I was so stunned and gave him as many smooches as I could land on that sweet little cheek before he could recoil and wipe off my mommy-slime!

But it's been hard.  Stinkin' hard!  There have even been messy moments filled with arguing and fighting.  But we have been praying so hard and clinging to God so much and He is just AMAZING!

Wanna chat with someone?  He's always up.

Need to cry or whine or complain?  He will hear you out.

Feel powerless?  He is all powerful and He is there to tell you and me that He will make us strong when we lean on Him.

So....did I get a choice?  Nopers.  
Knowing what I now know, would I choose cancer?
Nope again!
But I am certainly glad that God is making these decisions and then coming along for the wild ride to assure and comfort, console and give hope.  
I have learned so much from Him.

2.  "I wake up and live my life."  I love that line.

I don't just want to survive, I want to LIVE.

To hike and read and slurp wine.
To heatedly argue with Paul and then smooch and make up afterwards.
To chase my kids around the yard or up the stairs :  "HERE COMES THE PINCH-MONSTER!"
To go out for dinner with my sister and friends.
To spend time with my mom and dad and mother-in-law.
To run and cartwheel; kayak and coach soccer.
So, I plan to do that.
Rest assured, I am FULLY aware that Cancer may come back some day and claim my other breast, my bones, my body, my breath.  It can take that all away but it will NEVER ERASE me!
God made me and laid out my days.  He is with me everyday.
I will wake up and live my life!

Please tell me you will too.
I know, sometimes you may need to be on autopilot because you are so tired-will-the-babies-ever-sleep-again?  Or you are so sick from chemo treatments or radiation.  Or so sad because you miss your beloved husband.  Or son.
You weren't give a choice, either, were you?
Know that God is there with you.  That He has your life in His hands.
That He sees your fatigue, nausea, and tears.
In the midst of it all.....look for Him....
Then wake up and live.

You are so brave.

Love you,

Long ago God said to his people: "I have loved you with an everlasting love, with unfailing love I have drawn you to myself."  Jeremiah 31: 3 (NLT)


  1. This is so beautiful Brigette...so well written.

    Know, that as you share through your pain, and your journey, you will NEVER know this side of eternity who your story is touching.

    Although we never wish the painful sides of our lives on our worst enemies (or storms as we label them ;), we can know that He is indeed with us, & is lead us step-by-step.

    Thanks so much for sharing your heart with us. This has truly been a sweet encouragement to my soul tonight :)

    Praying for you often!!


    1. Thanks so much, Rachael. I am so happy if God can use me to encourage others! May you have a wonderful day today!

  2. That was one of Hermans favourite books this past year. I think our whole family read it. Yes Brigeette we would never choose this road but after Hermans first bout with cancer, He would often say he was glad he had it because it helped us all walk closer with the Lord. It really gave us 14 years of loving and growing in the love of Jesus. Our wise Father chose this plan for our lives and we go on day by day. love JoAnne

    1. Wow....seriously, JoAnne? That is so interesting that this was a favourite book of Herman's.
      I don't think any of us would ever choose the storms that we have in our lives yet it amazing to see the way that our Father guides us through them....J. VanPopta said when his son was going through cancer treatments that only in the darkness could you see the beauty of the stars. In darkness and storms, we see better so much of God. They lend clarity.
      I pray this can diminish some of your pain today.
      I have heard from your daughter a few tales of some of the connections that you have made in your own journey of healing. May God continue to lift you up and strengthen you as you wake up each day in this new normal . You were in my thoughts very much as I wrote this blog. I pray for you and your healing daily. God's got you.

  3. Thanks for writing and sharing Brigette, I still think you're brave;) brave to write about your life; that was a choice you made and I thank you for it. God is good and He has blessed so many of us through you. Thinking and praying for you often. May God bless you always! ��

  4. I just finished reading the very same book!! Took me a bit to get into it but then I couldn't put it down. I am glad you found (and sniffed) the book :o) Did you buy it?! May God continue to give you what you need to LIVE for Him.

    1. I had the same, MIchelle. Took a bit to get into but well worth the "work". I did buy it!!! THanks for your message! Have a great day!

  5. Thank you for writing this. Sometimes, read often, I forget how close God is and how much he is there for me. When I remember it takes my breath away.
