Tuesday 20 April 2021

The Sound of Snow

 What sound does a snowflake make as it swirls toward the ground?
Rain pitters, patters, splashes, and sloshes.
But a snowflake lazily drifts, floats, spins in a silent lavish audacious dance toward the earth.
White blanketing the pear tree blossoms; burdening the daffodil heads with glistening weighted drops; coating miss kim lilac branches with intricate lacy cold.

Today, it snowed and more snow is on the forecast for tomorrow.
What do you get when you cross a spring snow storm with a lockdown, I wondered in annoyed and frustrated irritation today. It all seemed like a cruel joke and in retaliation, I decided to not go outside any more today.
"Take that, Outside! No walking with you!" I sneered.
Every year, I laughingly count on that One Extra Surprise Snowstorm that arrives late in spring. Every year I wait until mid May to wash the winter gear and fold it all away for next year. But every year, Spring lures me in with her seductive flowering trees and bulging green tree buds and shy lily shoots. And this year, it happened again.
After all, the maple and willow trees had adorned their green haloes; the magnolia trees were bursting with pale pink blooms; deep purple hyacinths clustered fragrantly in gardens; and bold yellow forsythia flowers colored bare branches.
Plus, it seemed Iike a warm and gently arrived spring would be a wonderful trade-off for our current pandemic-flavoured, locked down state of existence.
But, no. Snow seemed to be the cruel joke of the day and I scowled fiercely at it all day.
Until tonight, when Outside beckoned.
I love love love being in nature; it's my Outdoor Therapy because when I'm in nature, I'm surrounded by God's creation, I feel so close to him, and I spend much of my walk talking with Him (well, when I'm not chatting with the neighbors. Hi, Linda!)
On my evening walk, snowflakes swirled around me, coating my eyelashes with wet cold.
And it was so peaceful and beautiful and wonderful that I wondered what sound does a snowflake make as it swirls toward the ground?
Do you know?
It makes no sound. No sound at all.
And with the loud silence, my heart felt peace.

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