Saturday 7 January 2017

An Abundant Life

On the shortest day and the longest night of the year -
when it seemed that darkness would prevail - a light was snuffed out.
Her name was Julia Bayer.

I knew her through her suffering.
I met her when I watched her 100 Huntley Street interview.
She had cancer too and I felt our connection.
I had just wanted to get ready for my own interview that was coming up soon; I had just wanted to see what an interview looked like; so I clicked on her story.

The Spirit was guiding my hand.

I clicked, I watched, I connected because much of Julia's story was similar to mine.
Hearing the word "cancer" and realizing that this was where God was taking us next.
Going through surgeries, chemotherapy, radiations and appointment after appointment.
Crying out to God and seeking His purpose in all the pain, prodding, poking, and pricking.
Praying constantly.
Shedding tears with loved ones and clinging to one another because we were all feeling a little more uncertain about the length of our days here on this earth.

And yet...
God has written up all the days of our life before even one of them came to be; and all our stories are so different.
Because, tonight, here I type.  My heart is heavy, but here I type.  Still a part of this world while Julia has passed on to the next.

I never actually got to meet Julia.  A friend of mine - another homeschooling mom battling cancer - met Julia at The Nutcracker several weeks ago; she met her and embraced her while I missed out on that privilege.  But I did watch Julia's interview, I read her blogs and, tonight, I watched her memorial service.  It was a beautiful testimony of a beautiful woman who lived a beautiful life.  A bold and abundant life.  A life that constantly pointed to her everlasting HOPE:  Jesus Christ.

While cancer whittled away at her health and cut short her days, Julia continued to proclaim a steadfast, steady and sure confidence in God's love.  When the darkness that is disease and death, trouble and tribulation, sin and suffering crowded in close, Julia pointed to the LIGHT that is JESUS and stated that she had found her unspeakable joy.
Her joy.
Her place and purpose.
Her unshakeable confidence.
Her light.
In Jesus.

Rest in peace, Julia.  You have lived well.
May our Heavenly Father abide with, strengthen and uphold your beloved Andy and family.
Thank-you for constantly pointing us to the LIGHT of this world; to Jesus.
love Brigette

Check out Julia's blog:  Anchor of My Soul (

"The LIGHT shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" (John 1: 4).
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."  Romans 12: 12


  1. Thank you for these wonderful words about my wonderful friend ❤️

  2. My deepest condolences to you. She seemed like an amazing woman. May God carry you through this!!
