Saturday, 10 September 2022

Raising our Daughters - FIGHT for her!

Just to be clear....I'm not JUST talking to the women who've birthed girls......I'm talking to the men and women who are PRESENT in the lives of the next generation of girls. I'm talking to the teachers / counselors / aunts / uncles / mothers / fathers/ writers /pastors / neighbors / friends / grandparents.
You, too, are raising daughters.
So....FIGHT for her.
There will be times when she cannot navigate this life because it's too heavy. Talk to her, guide her, pray with her, get her the help she needs.
Be her voice. Be her fingers tapping out phone numbers and making connections. Be her boundary-guard and fiercely hiss at anyone who dares cross her boundaries.
Unleash your inner adult warrior and fight for her.
There will be times when hormones or mental health struggles or physical health worries burden her or confuse her or make her mess up.
Be the stability she needs. Be strong and steady. Be her anchor and anchor her to the unending steadiness that is Jesus.
There will be times when she has forgotten her password or needs to figure out math or needs guidance traversing the social dynamics of high school.
Be present. Be all ears. Be gracious. Be patient ( so patient).
There will be times when relationships are tangled and mixed up and messy. When a sibling or a friend has ghosted her or cut her off or ignored her or sent her a nasty text.
Love her! Tell her that you will be her army on the battlegrounds of this relationship. Embolden her with your words and ways of love.
There will be launchings. To kindergarten, Sunday school, high school, camp, college/university, and beyond. She will need you fight for dry her tears and teach her how to boil an egg.
There will be mistakes. She may lash out or call you names, she may question her faith, she may question other things you dare not repeat. Ah....these are the sweetest moments of all! Lean in, Warriors, and fight the hardest for her here.
Fight for her, with her, and alongside her. Fight over her and behind her.
Just keep on fighting.
She needs you.